Sidney Powell unleashes the #Kraken

After weeks of Trump attorneys alleging fraud in press releases, but not in court, we finally have a lawsuit that alleges specific fraud from Attorney Sidney Powell and L LinnWood in Georgia representing Republican elector candidates in the 2020 Presidential election.

Powell has billed her 104-page filing in US District Court, Northern District of Georgia, Atlanta Division the “#Kraken” and the interested reader could try reading it. It’s painfully bad in places; for more on that, see Mike Dunford’s “The Kraken Lawsuit Was Released and It’s Way Dumber than You Realize.”

It is somewhat confusing exactly where this lawsuit was filed.

I will expand this article when I have had a chance to dig into the specifics, but there is one wildly implausible claim in it. It claims that Dominion Voting Systems adulterated the results of the election by switching votes in at least sufficient quantities to change the outcome. The scheme involves the ghost of Venezuelan strong man Hugo Chavez connecting to voting machines through the “internet of things” and flipping voters from Trump to Biden. It also claims that the hand recount was adulterated by election workers, who sorted ballots into piles for different candidates and put Trump votes in the Biden piles. Now someone explain to me how the machine totals end up closely tracking the manual recount across the state. There is no mechanism through which the totals could be made to match without controls and conspiracies so large that it strains the imagination.

Dunford notes that the Georgia lawsuit made repeated references to Michigan, an obvious failure to proofread when using one state’s complaint as a basis for another.

Rudy Giuliani and “The Kraken” (not an authentic image)

The Kraken – Michigan (aka King v. Whitmer) suffers from similar production problems. One of the affidavits in the Michigan suit reportedly details fraud in Edison County, a county well known for fraudulently claiming to be in Michigan rather than New Jersey.

All in all, #Kraken lawsuits were filed in four states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin. They were all dismissed.

Deja Vu All Over Again


It’s been 12 years since I started the Obama Conspiracy Theories blog as the Birther movement started gaining a foothold in the public mind. I watched as one post on a right-wing forum grew into a movement that consumed 51% of the Republican Party and put a birther in the White House.

Thankfully Donald Trump is on his way out the door, but as he leaves, he ushers in a new era of conspiracy theories, largely about election fraud, but also Deep State, Obamagate, laptops and whatever else comes along. Rather than the usual crew of birthers, we have a new conspiracist source QAnon, bolstered by the junk news organizations, One America News Network, Newsmax, Newsbusters and the Epoch Times.

Let’s see where this goes.